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One of the most important aspects of the IFCA International Youth Convention is the area of counseling. Counselors are key people who provide a bridge between the “bigness” of a national event and the “smallness” of small groups. The following are basic things that Youth Convention counselors are expected to adhere to. These things are vital in having a convention that will minister to our young people effectively.
With God’s help, I will fervently strive to meet the following basic expectations:
1) I will be sure that all my assigned students are up and ready for breakfast.
2) I will come prepared to lead the provided devotions each morning after breakfast with my students.
3) I will see that my students and I are at all required sessions and activities.
4) I will strive to talk with each of my assigned students concerning their personal walk with the Lord. I will allow myself to be a spiritual advisor and accountability source.
5) I will strive to make myself available for my students at any and all free times to encourage their fellowship and participation in activities.
6) I will strive to “keep tabs” on my students during the day and support them in their ministry training areas, quizzing and other activities as time allows.
7) I will see that my students are in their respective rooms at the appointed time each night. I will not go to bed until this is accomplished!
8) I will see that the Dean of Men/Women are kept informed of any problems or potential problems regarding the Youth Convention and its participants (particularly my assigned students).
9) I will uphold the standards of the convention and model good behavior when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex and responsible actions during my free time.
I agree to abide by the Youth Convention Standards and this counselor covenant. I also understand that I will be required to submit my information for a criminal background check to validate my legal ability to be in a supervisory role with minors.
If you have any questions, contact Pastor Dan Waller E-mail: [email protected]
Please note: You must have your Pastor complete the Pastoral Reference form to be considered as a Counselor. Send him this link: http://ifcayouth.org/pastor-reference-form/
It is our request that a counselor be out of high-school for two years or has had one year of Bible School.